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The Marsh Academy

Uniform Orders

Please read the below instructions carefully before completing the form.

Year 6 Parents: You will be provided with more details about uniform ordering and collection at the Year 6 Parents' Evening in June.  Please do not order uniform before this date.  Thank you. 

  • You will need to pay for your order either using Parent Pay at least 24 hours before collection or upon collection using a card payment only at The Marsh Academy reception. 
  • Stock will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • Confirmation of the order does not guarantee stock is available.
  • Your order confirmation number will be emailed to you upon submitting the form. Please have this with you when collecting your items.
  • Collection available from The Marsh Academy Reception 8am - 4pm during term time.

Uniform Policy

Please click on the link below for The Marsh Academy uniform measuring guide and order form.

Uniform Measuring Guide 

Uniform Order FormOptional Winter PE kit

Additional, optional items of Winter PE kit are available to purchase directly from The Macron Store at

Financial Hardship

We have minimised the number of branded items, to keep costs for families as low as possible. Any parent/carer experiencing financial difficulties, please contact Reception or email so that we can support you with the cost of uniform.

Second Hand Uniform

We welcome donations of second hand school uniform, please give these to Reception. If you would like to consider purchasing second hand uniform at a minimal cost, please contact Reception or email .